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5 Steps To Unlocking Blues Guitar Solo

improv Oct 29, 2023

These 5 steps will unlock your soloing over the blues for good. You will be able to solo again and again without repeating ideas neither getting stuck.

Most intermediate guitar players get stuck very quickly when soloing over the blues. They play a few licks and riffs, jam over the Pentatonic scale and that’s it. They’re stuck by the second turn around.

This is a common problem for intermediate guitar players, and there are a few reasons for it. First, the blues is a very expressive genre of music, and it can be difficult to come up with new and interesting ideas on the fly. Second, the blues is based on a relatively simple chord progression, and it can be easy to get stuck in a rut.

The 5 simple steps I teach in this video can get unstuck for good, it can make you solo without running out of ideas again. Learn these steps and put them into practice right away. Here are the 5 simple steps to solo over the blues without running out of ideas:

1. Use more than one position of the Pentatonic Scale.

2. Add the Blues note to the pentatonic scale.

3. Add the Major third to the mix.

4. Use the Major Pentatonic.

5. Do all that following the chord changes.


50% Complete

Two Step

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