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Basic Blues Series #3 - Learn how to start soloing over blues using a different pentatonic shape

blues how to solo Jun 05, 2021

In this video you will learn how to use a different shape of the pentatonic scale to soloing over blues. You'll learn that there are five shapes for the pentatonic scale but we're adding only one more to our toolbox.

This is a very simple and beginner's lesson. However, if you don't get this one right, all the other lessons will be messy and maybe even irrelevant.

The Basic Blues Series is a series where you will learn the very basics of blues. From the structure of the chords and the rhythm, all the way of how to solo and improv on basic but very effective ways. If studied and practiced with seriousness, you will be able to play blues guitar better than 90% of the people out there. You'll be able to jump at any blues session as either the rhythm or lead guitarist.


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