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Paul Davids Solo Challenge: Epic Solo!

solo Oct 20, 2023

Paul Davids got some very amazing guitarists to write a solo. All the 10 guitarists wrote a solo over the same BT. Until here, all good. The problem is that HE DIDN'T INCLUDE ME in the project.

No problem. I decided to write the solo anyways. And I did it without listening to the other solos, so here we go.

I wanted to create a solo that was unique and stood out from the others. I started by listening to the backing track and getting a feel for the groove and tempo. Then, I chose the E minor pentatonic scale to play in. This is a versatile scale that can be used to create a variety of different sounds. I started my solo with a simple melody in the lower register of the fretboard. I then used bends and vibrato to add expression and interest to the melody.

As the solo progressed, I moved up the fretboard and started to play faster and more complex patterns. I also used a variety of other techniques, such as hammer-ons, pull-offs, and slides, to create a more dynamic and interesting solo.

I wanted my solo to have a sense of story and emotion. I started with a quiet and introspective section, and then gradually built the intensity of the solo as it progressed. I also used dynamics and tempo changes to create a sense of drama and excitement.

I'm really happy with the way my solo turned out. I think it's unique and creative, and it stands out from the other solos that Paul Davids received. I'm also proud of the fact that I wrote it without listening to the other solos. I wanted my solo to be my own, and I think I achieved that goal.

I hope you enjoy my solo!


50% Complete

Two Step

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