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Pentatonic Runs: Connect Scale and Use The Whole Guitar

solo Oct 26, 2023

One of the most desirable things for a guitar player is to be able to solo using the whole guitar. However, what usually happens is that we get stuck in a rut of using the same old scale shapes again and again. As a result, we never learn to navigate other fret positions.

In this intermediate guitar lesson, I will teach you my favorite pentatonic runs and how to use the old scale shapes in order to explore the whole guitar. You will be able to navigate throughout the whole fretboard when soloing and improvising.

I am going to use some already familiar connecting points to go from fret one all the way to fret nineteen, creating phrases and great music ideas.

Pause or slow down this video if you need. This lesson is pure gold and it can get your soloing skills to the next level.


50% Complete

Two Step

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