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Learn To Solo In 5 Minutes - The Most Famous Of All Scales

solo Dec 05, 2023

In this tutorial, we'll teach you how to solo using the pentatonic scale in just five minutes. This is the most famous of all scales and is perfect for beginners who want to start soloing on guitar.

After watching this tutorial, you'll be able to solo using the pentatonic scale quickly and easily. pentatonic scale is a great foundation for learning more advanced soloing techniques, so be sure to check it out!

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Guitar Solo Over the Chord Change - The Best Way

solo technique Nov 23, 2023

One of the many tools every lead guitarist carries in their toolbelt is the ability to solo with the chord change. While beginners and intermediate guitarists often start their solo journey by learning how to solo according to the key of the song, more advanced guitarists take their solos to the next level by soloing not only according to the key but also according to the chord change. This opens up a whole new world of colors and moods to explore, not to mention making the solo sound more musical.

The best way to develop the ability to change scales according to the chords is to use the pentatonic scale in conjunction with the chord change. In this lesson, we'll take the first steps towards achieving this, and you'll be surprised at how quickly your solos sound more professional.

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Pentatonic Runs: Connect Scale and Use The Whole Guitar

solo Oct 26, 2023

One of the most desirable things for a guitar player is to be able to solo using the whole guitar. However, what usually happens is that we get stuck in a rut of using the same old scale shapes again and again. As a result, we never learn to navigate other fret positions.

In this intermediate guitar lesson, I will teach you my favorite pentatonic runs and how to use the old scale shapes in order to explore the whole guitar. You will be able to navigate throughout the whole fretboard when soloing and improvising.

I am going to use some already familiar connecting points to go from fret one all the way to fret nineteen, creating phrases and great music ideas.

Pause or slow down this video if you need. This lesson is pure gold and it can get your soloing skills to the next level.

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Ingredients of a memorable guitar solo

solo Oct 23, 2023

A memorable guitar solo is one that touches the listener's emotions, inspires them, and makes them want to listen to it again and again. In this video, I will break down both my techniques and my mindset when I write my solos, and teach you the tools you need to create your own memorable solos.

Here are some key ingredients of a memorable guitar solo:

  • Melody: A great solo should have a strong melody. This doesn't mean that it has to be simple, but it should be memorable and easy to sing along to.
  • Rhythm: The rhythm of your solo is also important. Don't be afraid to experiment with different rhythms and tempos to create interest and excitement.
  • Dynamics: Use dynamics to create a more expressive and engaging solo. Vary the volume and intensity of your playing to add drama and emotion.
  • Techniques: There are many different guitar techniques that you can use in your solos, such as bending, sliding, tapping, and hammering on/pulling off. Use a variety of techniques to keep your solos...
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Paul Davids Solo Challenge: Epic Solo!

solo Oct 20, 2023

Paul Davids got some very amazing guitarists to write a solo. All the 10 guitarists wrote a solo over the same BT. Until here, all good. The problem is that HE DIDN'T INCLUDE ME in the project.

No problem. I decided to write the solo anyways. And I did it without listening to the other solos, so here we go.

I wanted to create a solo that was unique and stood out from the others. I started by listening to the backing track and getting a feel for the groove and tempo. Then, I chose the E minor pentatonic scale to play in. This is a versatile scale that can be used to create a variety of different sounds. I started my solo with a simple melody in the lower register of the fretboard. I then used bends and vibrato to add expression and interest to the melody.

As the solo progressed, I moved up the fretboard and started to play faster and more complex patterns. I also used a variety of other techniques, such as hammer-ons, pull-offs, and slides, to create a more dynamic and interesting...

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Take Pentatonic Scale to the Next Level! Better solos

solo Oct 03, 2023

Everybody loves the sound of the Pentatonic Scale. It sounds musical and melodic, and it's easy to make it sound great. But, as awesome as it is, we can make it even better.

In this video, I will show you how to take your Pentatonic scale to the next level. We will add four extra notes to our pentatonic scale to make it sound EPIC!

By incorporating these extra notes, we can infuse the Pentatonic Scale with a much moodier, more colourful, and intriguing sound. Your guitar solos will become significantly richer!

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Unlocking Creative Guitar: Breaking Free from Shapes

solo technique Sep 19, 2023

Playing guitar is all about shapes. You start with shapes for chords, then move on to shapes for the pentatonic scale, and eventually, you tackle shapes for the major and minor scales. Unlike the piano, where you actually know which notes you're hitting in chords and scales, on the guitar, you're all about shapes – that's the deal.

But here's the catch: leaning too much on these shapes can trap your creativity. If you rely on them too heavily, it can put a damper on your solo-writing skills because you're stuck within those confines.

In this lesson, we're going to dive into a simple technique that rock legends like Steve Vai and Joe Satriani love to use and abuse. We're going to play the major scale in a straight-up, linear way – meaning we're sticking to just one string for our major scale and solo.

This technique is going to push you out of your shape-dependent comfort zone and force you to come up with music ideas that are wildly different from what you'd get if...

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Perfect Solos: The Secret to Hitting the Right Notes During Chord Changes

caged solo Sep 11, 2023

If you play the guitar and already use the pentatonic scale, as well as the major/minor scales, you may have noticed that something is missing in your solos. There's another step you can take to elevate your solos to the next level: soloing by chord.

When soloing, we tend to think about the key of the song, match the scale we need to use, and off we go. However, the problem is that the chords keep changing from one to the next, while we continue to focus solely on the main key we are in. As a result, our solos can become disconnected from the song, and we stop making music.

In this video, you will learn how to address this issue in a very simple way. You will learn how to break free from the common trap that every guitar player struggles with, and you'll start making music again.

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Elevate Your Minor Blues Soloing: Game-Changing Principles!

solo Aug 15, 2023

Ever been stuck while jamming and improvising over a Minor Blues track? I've totally been there. I'd be soloing with the Minor Pentatonic and before I knew it, I'd hit a point where it felt like I had nothing left to say – no more ideas, licks, or inspiration.

But hey, in this video, I'm gonna show you some cool scale options and tricks that can totally change the game when it comes to soloing over Minor Blues.

Once you get the hang of what I'm teaching here and actually use it, you'll seriously level up your minor blues soloing. And guess what? It's not just about minor blues; your overall improvisation skills are gonna reach new heights.

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If You Want To Be A Better Guitar Player - connect chords and scales

how to solo Nov 13, 2022

I know you want to be a better lead guitar player... me to! The technique you'll learn on this video can do that to you: take you to the next level of lead playing. Just do this ever day when you pick up your guitar.  

The ability to connect the chords and the scales is one the best ways to sound more melodic and creative. It will increase your confidence especially when it comes to picking the right notes to solo.  

This is part 2 of this lesson. This is a beginner-intermediate solo improvising guitar lesson.

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