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Unlock the Power of Minor Scales with This Simple Technique

how to Nov 09, 2023

Want to seamlessly transition between the Pentatonic and Minor scales? This practical technique will have you playing like a pro in no time.

With this simple approach, you'll be able to effortlessly switch between these two essential scales, adding depth and versatility to your playing. Impress your friends and elevate your musicality with this powerful technique.

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Fast Beginner Finger Tapping Rock Guitar Lesson

technique Nov 05, 2023

This lick uses the tapping technique, but it's much easier than you think. And once you learn it, you'll be able to use it in any genre, major or minor key.

Whether you're a rock icon, a country musician, a church musician, or a jazz musician, this lick will make you sound more badass than ever before. So what are you waiting for?

Get out there and learn this lick today!

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Double Stops: Make Guitar Playing More Interesting with Double Stops

rhythm guitar Nov 02, 2023

There is a very simple and practical way to make your rhythm guitar much more interesting: instead of just playing straight chords, you can create movement by adding double stops from your chords.

In each of the simple chord shapes you play, you can connect to double stops in a very simple way. This will make your rhythm guitar playing much richer and more fun to play.

This is an intermediate guitar lesson.

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5 Steps To Unlocking Blues Guitar Solo

improv Oct 29, 2023

These 5 steps will unlock your soloing over the blues for good. You will be able to solo again and again without repeating ideas neither getting stuck.

Most intermediate guitar players get stuck very quickly when soloing over the blues. They play a few licks and riffs, jam over the Pentatonic scale and that’s it. They’re stuck by the second turn around.

This is a common problem for intermediate guitar players, and there are a few reasons for it. First, the blues is a very expressive genre of music, and it can be difficult to come up with new and interesting ideas on the fly. Second, the blues is based on a relatively simple chord progression, and it can be easy to get stuck in a rut.

The 5 simple steps I teach in this video can get unstuck for good, it can make you solo without running out of ideas again. Learn these steps and put them into practice right away. Here are the 5 simple steps to solo over the blues without running out of ideas:

1. Use more than one...

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Pentatonic Runs: Connect Scale and Use The Whole Guitar

solo Oct 26, 2023

One of the most desirable things for a guitar player is to be able to solo using the whole guitar. However, what usually happens is that we get stuck in a rut of using the same old scale shapes again and again. As a result, we never learn to navigate other fret positions.

In this intermediate guitar lesson, I will teach you my favorite pentatonic runs and how to use the old scale shapes in order to explore the whole guitar. You will be able to navigate throughout the whole fretboard when soloing and improvising.

I am going to use some already familiar connecting points to go from fret one all the way to fret nineteen, creating phrases and great music ideas.

Pause or slow down this video if you need. This lesson is pure gold and it can get your soloing skills to the next level.

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Ingredients of a memorable guitar solo

solo Oct 23, 2023

A memorable guitar solo is one that touches the listener's emotions, inspires them, and makes them want to listen to it again and again. In this video, I will break down both my techniques and my mindset when I write my solos, and teach you the tools you need to create your own memorable solos.

Here are some key ingredients of a memorable guitar solo:

  • Melody: A great solo should have a strong melody. This doesn't mean that it has to be simple, but it should be memorable and easy to sing along to.
  • Rhythm: The rhythm of your solo is also important. Don't be afraid to experiment with different rhythms and tempos to create interest and excitement.
  • Dynamics: Use dynamics to create a more expressive and engaging solo. Vary the volume and intensity of your playing to add drama and emotion.
  • Techniques: There are many different guitar techniques that you can use in your solos, such as bending, sliding, tapping, and hammering on/pulling off. Use a variety of techniques to keep your solos...
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Paul Davids Solo Challenge: Epic Solo!

solo Oct 20, 2023

Paul Davids got some very amazing guitarists to write a solo. All the 10 guitarists wrote a solo over the same BT. Until here, all good. The problem is that HE DIDN'T INCLUDE ME in the project.

No problem. I decided to write the solo anyways. And I did it without listening to the other solos, so here we go.

I wanted to create a solo that was unique and stood out from the others. I started by listening to the backing track and getting a feel for the groove and tempo. Then, I chose the E minor pentatonic scale to play in. This is a versatile scale that can be used to create a variety of different sounds. I started my solo with a simple melody in the lower register of the fretboard. I then used bends and vibrato to add expression and interest to the melody.

As the solo progressed, I moved up the fretboard and started to play faster and more complex patterns. I also used a variety of other techniques, such as hammer-ons, pull-offs, and slides, to create a more dynamic and interesting...

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TIPS FOR AN OLDER Or Longtime Beginner Guitar Player

improv Oct 16, 2023

Do you want to take your guitar soloing to the next level? Whether you've been playing for ages or you're just starting out, there are a few foundational steps you can take to improve your skills. In this video, I'll guide you through these steps using the key of Bm and a backing track.

Start with the pentatonic scale. It's one of the most popular scales for guitar soloing, and it's a great place to start if you're new to improvisation. Once you've mastered the pentatonic scale, you can start adding notes to it to create more complex and interesting solos.

In this video, I'll show you how to add notes to the pentatonic scale to create the full minor scale. I'll also show you how to use two different pentatonic shapes to create a more varied and melodic solo.

It's important to note that you shouldn't get stuck in only one pentatonic shape position. However, for the sake of simplicity, I'll be using only two shapes in this video.

Once you've learned the basics of soloing, you can...

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Over 40 and Still Don't Know CAGED?

caged how to Oct 13, 2023

In a recent video, I posted a lesson on the CAGED system, and a viewer commented that it was the first time he had been able to understand the system, even though he is over 40.

The CAGED system is a way to learn the guitar fretboard by visualizing five open chord shapes (C, A, G, E, and D) and their movable counterparts up and down the neck. This system can be very helpful for understanding how to play chords, scales, and arpeggios all over the fretboard.

Some people believe that learning the CAGED system is a shortcut to mastering the guitar fretboard. While this is not entirely true, the CAGED system can be a valuable tool for guitarists of all ages and skill levels.

**Why the CAGED System is Great for Over-40 Guitarists**

One of the best things about the CAGED system is that it is very visual. This can be especially helpful for over-40 guitarists, who may have difficulty memorizing complex fretboard patterns.

Another great thing about the CAGED system is that it is very...

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Pentatonic shapes: Master them all!

improv Oct 09, 2023

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut with your pentatonic shapes? Like you're always playing the same patterns over and over again? Well, you're not alone. But there's good news: there's a way to break free from this monotony and master all the pentatonic shapes.

The secret is to practice. But not just any kind of practice. You need to practice in a way that is fun and engaging. That's why I've created this video for you.

In this video, we're going to learn all the pentatonic shapes together, one by one. But we're not just going to play dry exercises. We're going to make it fun by playing along with backing tracks and exploring different ways to phrase using each shape.

So grab your guitar and let's get started!

Here are some tips to make your pentatonic practice more interesting:

  • Play along with backing tracks in different styles, such as blues, rock, and country. This will help you to learn how to apply the pentatonic scale to different genres of music.
  • Experiment with different...
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