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My thoughts behind my note choices when I'm soloing

improv Jan 29, 2022

 What’s involved in the thought process when it comes to coming up with solos and improvisation sessions? Is it the major scale? The pentatonic scale? Arpeggios? Greek modes? Think isolating each chord? What about all the above?

In this video you will learn how I think, what my options are and how I come up with my note choices. In my case, everything started with one thing…

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You will use this ALL THE TIME - Awesome lick in Bm

improv solo Jan 24, 2022

You are going to love to use this lick in your solos and improvs.

There are many tools when it comes to soloing and improvising. But sometimes, all you need is just the right combination of just a few notes to connect musically.

These four notes will help you to do exactly that.

I am sure this is going to be one of the licks you will use every time when you solo in a minor key.


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These 5 skills will make your guitar solo AMAZING!

Uncategorized Jan 19, 2022

What are the elements that form a great guitar solo?   

There are at least five items that I always keep in mind when I am soloing and improvising. I’m sure there are more than these five things, but these are the main ones I use every single time.  

Blueprint of a great guitar solo: 

  1. Melody - Pentatonic 
  2. Techniques - Expression & Dynamics  
  3. Spice it up - Blues Note & Major Scale 
  4. Warmth - Sixth Intervals 
  5. Beauty - Double Stops 

 Using These Skills  Make sure you get these five skills down on your fingertips and your solos and improvs will sound amazing.

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They will take your freedom

improv solo Jan 15, 2022

If you have been playing guitar for over one year and still don’t know what I am teaching in this lesson… that’s it. Last chance!

This lesson is basic in how to use two shapes of pentatonic as how to play the Bm chord in two different shapes. If you know how to play Bm in two different shapes you simply have to know how to play the two pentatonic shapes I am teaching here.

Knowing this will give you so much freedom to play and to solo. The fretboard will open up in an amazing way for you to improv all over the fretboard.

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This will make your soloing sound so much better

solo Jan 11, 2022

This is definitely my favourite way to play the major scale in my soloing. It just brings such a cool mood and cool melody to my soloing and improv.

Regarding the Major Scale, most people will instantly think of CAGED or THREE NOTES PER STRING. Not in this lesson.

In this video you will learn how to use the major scale for your soloing, how to mix the Pentatonic scale with the major scale. This will make your guitar playing so much fun and rich.

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Do this to play a smoother guitar

Uncategorized Jan 04, 2022


The 30 Day Lead Guitar Jumpstart Guide - Take Your Guitar Playing To Lead Levels In The Next 30 Days → https://www.guitarrevolution.ca/jumpstart 

Last week I got this question in my inbox:

“When I practice the pentatonic scale it sounds like I am picking, yet when I hear others play it, it sounds like they are strumming... How can I change this? In other words, how can I make what I am doing SMOOTHER?”

This reminds me of my student Dave. He played guitar but with no dynamics, no control. Everything he played was with 100% of energy. Super intense.

Think of playing guitar as having a conversation with someone. You’re not always 100% yelling at someone’s face, super intensive and no room for the other person to talk. If you are, you probably need to work on your people skills.

The same goes for guitar playing. You gotta have self-control, choose your words, notes, and licks, techniques. You have to become smooth. And you have to be...

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Make your guitar sound rich and warm (use this triad)

Uncategorized Nov 29, 2021

As guitarists, we always have to come up with ways to make our guitar fit in the arrangement in a band. We usually have the bass, acoustic guitar, rhythm guitar, keys and so on. So to make our guitar fit in an arrangement requires a little more than just knowing the basic chords.

In this video you will learn how to use the regular A Shape to make our guitar sound rich, warm and distinct within other instruments.

This is one of my favourite ways to layer guitar in a band or recording. We’ll use one simple chord shape and your guitar will sound amazing.

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Play your first song - You Are My Sunshine

acoustic guitar Nov 26, 2021

Finally! You will play your first song on guitar ever! You will learn how to play your first song on guitar.

If you've been following my Beginner Acoustic Lesson series, this is your first song! This is a classic song recorded by Johnny Cash and many other.

Here's the link: https://youtu.be/cGa3zFRqDn4 

We will be using only three chords: A, D and E major. Don’t forget to practice after you’re done watching the video. If you just watch and you don’t put it into practice, you will have no results.

Grab your guitar and have fun!

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Connect the Pentatonic Shapes - This is my favourite way

how to Nov 22, 2021

The 30 Day Lead Guitar Jumpstart Guide - Take Your Guitar Playing To Lead Levels → https://www.guitarrevolution.ca/jumpstart 

In this video you will learn how to connect pentatonic shapes in your soloing and improv.

This is one of my favourite ways to connect one shape of pentatonic to the next one. When I first learn this scale I learn the most famous of all, like everyone else. Later I learned that there were 4 other shapes.

Years later I finally learned how to effectively use the pentatonic as well as how to connect the shapes all together. And this is what you’ll learn in this video.

Grab your guitar and let me show you how to add rhythm into your soloing.

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This completely change how I use ARPEGGIOS

technique Nov 18, 2021

The 30 Day Lead Guitar Jumpstart Guide - Take Your Guitar Playing To Lead Levels → https://www.guitarrevolution.ca/jumpstart 

In this video you will learn how to use the arpeggios in your soloing and improv.

When I was first introduced to arpeggios, it was presented to me as something you use to impress other people, especially other guitar players. That’s because the reference for arpeggios at that time was the virtuose Yngwie Malmsteen, shred master.

Years later I finally learned how to effectively use the arpeggios as a tool to write music and to create melodies in my solos and improvs.

Grab your guitar and let me show you how to add rhythm into your soloing.

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